And as I stare at your expression of concern I catch a glimpse of a sneer that lurks beneath that feigned furrowed brow because let's face it kid you get a kick out of seeing me suffer when I stutter and choke choke on my words - you tilt your head to the side and say Aww and you feel great cause your voice is comin' out smooth like a milkshake while my jagged words are like broken glass like a broken record have I said the same thing twice or is this just de ja vu HEY wait - where do you think you're going? Oh I get it you're walking away again boy it must feel great to be you. And 'Hey that's okay, I don't need you' I'll say, but the funny thing is I'd be lying oh look now I'm crying. I didn't even notice but you oh you never miss a chance to kick me when I'm down - but you do it in such a way that I feel thankful for the attention I mean at least you're not kicking someone else. And yeah I saw that ring on your finger that you bought with my money well i guess you were on a roll - buyin shit with the money you stole - but I guess it's kinda like I bought you a gift but if only you'd caught my drift because doll I woulda bought it for ya if only you'd asked I mean it's no small task - following you around the way you run so fast it was if you were trying to lose me but I wish you'd just chose me just make your mind up and pick because babe I'm real quick and don't think you can outrun me no don't even try and no I'm not gonna cry - just because you're pretending to care well I'm pretending too - pretending those sweet words are true - but it all became clear when I looked at your face and saw that sneer and I realised how you love it when I'm sad well is that so bad maybe I'll just forgive you ha ha wouldn't be the first time and probably not the last but oh man am I getting fast - so you better quit running lets just stop and reassess - well hey you look great in that dress what a find! Where'd you get it? Oh it's mine - I think it's cute when you steal all my clothes take them all! as long as I'm the only girl whose clothes you're taking now don't bother waiting cause I'm fast and I'll catch up to you one day one day you wont wanna run you'll wanna stay and I'll finally get my words out and I'll say stay, stay. Stay with me.

I’m your toothache tongue,
an x-ray shadow of decay.
I’m the words you ch-choke out
when you have nothing left to say.