Tuesday 17 September 2013

Pacific Coast Highway

We heal slowly. That’s a short and simple statement that has taken me many years to learn - because nothing’s more frustrating than wanting to be normal again and you can’t you can’t right now. But it’s not the days we achieve our greatest goals that mean we’re alive but the days we get out of bed even if it’s late afternoon, the days we do nothing but maybe read a few pages, the days I don’t talk to anyone until you come home, the days we get up and breathe then plunge under water, the days we make plans and then don’t follow through – these days are quiet and yet they're screaming ‘We’re still here. We’re still alive.’ And the point is we never left, we’ve lived through every damn day of our lives and haven’t given up yet - and shit that’s an achievement in itself. So if all you do today is read this then that’s okay, that’s okay.  Because there are many more days to come, our whole lives, when we’ll do more then just make toast and maybe have a shower, so heal today - tomorrow - until you see fit, and that’s okay.


  1. Hey man, just wanted to say I l really enjoy reading your blog ! Your writing style is beautiful.

    1. Aw thanks girl! I really appreciate that, your blog is awesome and your art is really cool :) xx

  2. I really like this post, the images and the words. I needed some validation for the fact I've been so uninspired lately, to make me feel like it's okay to have days/weeks/months where all I do is just get by. It feels like a failure, and maybe I'm still not entirely convinced it isn't, but it sits a little less heavy on me after reading this anyway.

    1. Yeah it can be a hard cycle to break out of - feeling down and then doing nothing, then feeling down ABOUT doing nothing. Just 'getting by' is all we can do sometimes. Anyway I'm glad it helped in some small way :) xxx
