Monday 1 June 2015

be merry

i woke and i couldn’t stop running
like a train was late
i had all these metallic comments
jiggling inside my brain

couldn’t wrench a gap
big enough to drip them out

i purposely fuelled that little ego, tryna
flesh out some form of defense in there,
tryna compete for complacency

with my mind set like an interface
i crumble under all that communication
lazy like menstrual blood in the sheets

‘hey darling what’s your name’ he says
i pretend he isn’t there while his question lingers
let it get sucked back whence it came, like spit after vomit
let them all get kicked in the shin

i recoil in my seat while he sits
his legs spread like a lap dance patron
kneeing me in the back
my eyes start chatting up a storm inside my brain
and quietly
my teeth
plot mischief

and i was talking to people, you know, conversation
outwardly i was at full function
useful appliance, i do good
creep inside i’m orchestrating
a little war

and in the office i’m scruffy, my angles don’t match
the sleek black chair beneath me
i watch the men, bulky, jagged and civilised
their voices like low piano scales
racing each other out of breath

and i think, fuck them and their houses
their big, grey houses
and all their shiny cars.


  1. Your writing always has the most distinctive beat. It feels so alive and frenetic. I feel like I do your writing a disservice if I don't read it twice and really let it seep inside of me.

  2. They were v inspired by gig tbh!!! Thanks so much Bridg xxxxx

  3. my fave are the last too lines! you babe

  4. my fave are the last too lines! you babe

  5. Best ♥

    xoxo ♥
