Wednesday, 21 June 2017

freewrite from vienna

i think i fell into some years of your bad luck, you left them gummed to the edges of some old shoes and they turned up in my closet after the winter rains had ended – i laughed, that kinda laugh you do with a dryness, an oldness, sarcasm but also a bit of surprise i guess – ‘you again,’ i thought, knowing and not knowing why

it was christmas some time ago now, and i said it had been the worst year of my life. what a hurtful phrase! it cut her quick and irreversibly like a cigarette butt tossed between train carriages – she who had worked so hard to make sure i was happy and how self indulgent of me to still be so sad. And yet i still don’t afford that sadness to those i slave away for – if my gifts and the gift of my time isn’t enough to heal soft tissue wounds of before then god, i’ll feel downright irrelevant – is that something i want to change, in myself, i wonder? It’s worth being mindful at least --

anyway, that was then. what is it about the way fish swim back to where their parents met despite never having been there before that gives me goosies. Neptune’s inducing some vivid dreams in me lately and i try to scrawl them down, their cobwebby touch stickily brushing my synapses. i love that my grief is a part of me and i learn more about it every day. it can be sentimental like a black and white film and in it i can cry forever. sounds sad, but it isn’t. i think the veil between realms is the only thing worth comprehending – sometimes anyway. and lately i’ve been feeling so blessed.

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