Sunday 19 May 2013

blogs what

I made this blog because i simply have too much time on my hands and i just wanted to DO SOMETHING. I also I just want to show people my drawings cause I want attention and stuff, but I don't think anyone actually looks at this blog except Jack and Seb anyway. Maybe Bill now that I've alerted his attention to it. Bill's blog is actually really cool to look back over, because he's documented some of the best times of the last six or seven months - i had a nostalgic look over his past posts, about my birthday and the poems everyone wrote for me, about the night we all sat on the riverside and took that photo which i love and Cathy has framed, about the night James, Bill, Kassie and I smoked coffee joints and danced to Uffie and made up stories about sailors drowning in our cups of tea.

~me on my birthday~

 ~the riverside~

 ~dance party aka shrooms night~

Anyway...  my point is I really like nostalgia, and documenting things so that i can look back over them. I've always kept a diary but i like the idea of a blog because you can add photos too, and i always end up tearing things out of my diary or losing it or something. And also i guess i want other people to read this too so i can feel validated and all that. 

This is me right now. I have pimples and my hair is greasy but whatever. I wear my fur jacket around the house because it makes me feel like Courtney Love or Marianne Faithful and because it's cold at the moment which i like.

And this is Jack right now, wrapped in my pashmina blanket from India and playing Bioshock Infinite which i bought him for our 6 month anniversary, and is actually such a cool game.  Featuring yet another fur jacket haha. And I'm just sitting here reading Anais Nin and chain smoking and eating cold chips. Blah.

Enjoy some patti xxxx

1 comment:

  1. pretty pretty girl, where can i follow you here on Google? wanna follow me back? lots of peace and love Mercedes
