Saturday 24 May 2014

For whatever you're planning

Earlier I thought of you 
your grass stained skin 
unapologetic and far away. 
I thought of how great it is
to hold your bones
and pretend.

What if I told you
and that was the end?
What if I told you the truth
and all those little birds left
my chest where they've resided
for a time picking
apart my insides?
I'd feel better, but I can't say 
with any certainty that 'better' is
something you'll ever be. 

Tell me what you were thinking biting
your lip eyes averted and hand 
around mine (limp like a fish after slaughter)

What if I told you I'm not as sad
as you think I am and in fact I don't 
need saving?
What if I told you you don't 
make my knees weak but rather instil a sense
of maternal worry in my wringing hands? 
What if I told you this poem isn't even about you, but a combination
of every one I've loved
cause you're all the fucking same.

Earlier I thought of you and 
it was fleeting. (I think about me now)


  1. ...i barely ever have words after i read you. but i do always read and i think you are fascinating.

  2. This is goddamn beautiful - I feel like it has found me at the most proper of times.

  3. I feel like all of my poems are always culminations of everyone I've loved. They all are bits of the same shit over and over again. I can't wait until I have that new and beautiful love that erases all of the others clean away. Hopefully that love will be half as beautiful as your words.

    Tightrope to the Sun

    1. I sort of think we put this pressure on love to wipe away all that's come before it when really that's impossible, and it's all those experiences and past loves that make us who we are. But keep writing regardless you know I love your poetry :) xxxx
