Friday, 20 June 2014

call me up i'm always home

Again again, that moth wing flutter
as it beats itself to death against the glass.
Again again I drink down my masochistic victory-
heartache pride that leaves me
I’ve been caught up in the post-incident way of thinking and you
                  are always walking back and then away again again
let’s get married and live by the sea, let’s turn a blind eye to the teeth sinking
sensation of all
                  those dog bite remarks.
                 let’s forget
                           each other
                                   and learn
                              a new language – how to love
                                                              without hurting.

And the crowd goes wild.

Who am I to bat an eyelid, teeth marks of my own and there
I was dancing being shy and drinking wine
biting my own tongue, again
and now
I’m wearing armour built by a subconscious need to
don’t you know me by now?

I’ve been rattling through my days watching evening sky turn grey and
                  for something to happen.               Who am I
to bat an eyelid
thinking of flesh and perfume.                         Who am I
but a very normal pile of bones and yes I’ve got potential
                                    to inherit arthritis perhaps
and I’ve been wrapping daisy chains around my family tree
and my date of birth just
happens to be the number of shock treatments she
                  incurred and I’m wondering
where that leaves me, sitting under it all
the weight of waiting
for something to happen
And the crowd goes

I’m stuck again in a dream-like memory of winter at the beach
                  and the warmth of your limbs around mine and I’m
                  writing a story about how much I hate
                  about it all and all it does is make me
                  think some more. You know
                  you should have known better. Didn’t anybody tell you
how to love without hurting?

Your words unceremoniously left 
your mouth without a backwards glance and 
being on the receiving end is a bit like 
holding a package of hate mail that the sender 
has no memory of posting. Hello, how are you? Fine thank you -
except I feel like chewing off my fingers. Yourself?

I’m left here holding these dirty knives.
Bits of conversation stuck to cutlery
lipstick smudges on ceramic and insults in an hourglass
flipping over and over, moth wings against glass, played out on repeat
in that little part of me
that likes to feel (despite it all)
i like to feel
again, again.


  1. This kind of hurts and kind of makes me feel alive.

  2. sometimes we love the thing that hurts us the most.xx

    dreaming is believing

  3. Your writing is truly astounding. The way you put words together and string your sentences together. I am always mesmerized by your words. I feel like I always learn so much from your work. You are a wonder.

    Tightrope to the Sun

  4. The rhythm of this poem is astounding. I love reading this for its meaning but also for its rhyme & meter. Beautiful work, Kitty. You are a poet.

    1. Lola you're a babe and I love reading your blog! Thank you lady :)
